Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lament of the Unfaithful

I met you half a life ago
In days of heat and fire.
Your smile so bright, enchanted me;
Your laugh made my heart whole.
But now the laughter has fled your lips.
Your smile is hard and cold.
Where have you gone, my dearest heart?
I beg you, please come home.

I met you half a life ago
In days that never rained.
You wooed me with low sweet words
That touched me to my soul.
But now your words art full of spite;
The sweet has turned to bitter.
Where have you gone, my dearest love?
I beg you, please come home.

I met you half a life ago --
In days of sapphire hue.
My spirit did soar when you did whisper ...
Those words, "I love you true!"
But now your heart is full of hate,
And rage that turns you from me.
Where have you gone, my life, my soul?
I beg you, please come home.

I lost you one half moons ago --
On a night of full moonshine.
You found your love with another ...
Upon sheets of blackest satin.
Your face it paled in the pale of night;
Your eyes showed your own heartbreak.
Your spirit fled, my one true love;
I beg you, please come home.

I lost you one half moons ago --
A moment I forever curse.
My folly, my foolishness, my prideful heart ...
Turned by another's sweet words.
Forgive me please, my other half;
Please return, I beg of you.
For my foolish heart shall never love,
Another as I love you.

I beg you, please come home.

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